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Yoga is a system of self-exploration that includes physical and mental exercises and helps to expand our freedom. When should we start practicing Yoga to make the process of engaging in practice as easy as possible and to build the habit faster? How can you understand that a person is ready for yoga classes? Is it possible to arouse interest in yoga in other people?
When we contemplate the idea of starting yoga practice, we choose a period when we can make a conscious decision, and have yoga classes on a regular basis.
The most important thing is to make yoga interesting
We can take interest in yoga at a very early age when we do not only know what yoga is, but also we do not even know how to put our thoughts into words. However, this will not be an obstacle for a young yogi. A child can look up to adults and take certain poses, getting to know the body and enjoying this activity. The child will repeat and copy much of what he or she sees at a yoga class of the adults and, over time, will be able to start independent practice. Such classes will be an excellent base for the formation of the habit!
It should be noted that young children switch their attention from one type of activity to another very fast. In one minute the baby reaches out for socks, and in the next moment he is following a cat or a toy. We, as parents, can engage these “distracting” factors, by using our child’s favorite toys, objects, and music for yoga practice, thereby turning yoga into an exciting game.
Informed choice is the readiness criterion for the practice of Yoga!
We can practice different types of yoga and get more results from them when we approach this issue consciously and understand why we do it. The period of getting awareness of our actions is different for different people. For someone it will be at the age of 10-12 years, and for the others awareness may come at an earlier or later age.
So, no matter how old you are! If you are interested in such a teaching as yoga, if you decide to understand its principles and basics, if you decide to get your own experience of how it works, then surely you are ready to study and comprehend this amazing science of soul and body.
Practice will be more effective if it is regular and if we develop the habit of practicing in one place and at the same time with a certain frequency. Then we will be able to control our actions, set goals and systematically achieve them.
Freedom of Will is sacred!
We need to listen to our capabilities and needs and not blindly follow the recommendations of other people, even of those who already have certain experience. We should not impose our vision on others — free will is sacred, especially in yoga. With a lack of interest in yoga classes, we cannot have effective practice and positive results. In the end, we will receive only torment and displeasure and no benefit for the body and mind.
Creating conditions for practicing without any coercion is the best thing we can do
Speaking about stimulating other people to be interested in yoga, we must understand that, first, a person must make his or her own choice. We can only inspire others by our personal example and our own practice. If we see that due to the practice of yoga, one becomes freer and remains cheerful, then perhaps we will want the same for ourselves and start practicing. It is important to remember that we all have our own way. Our path to yoga may be completely different from the path of other people. For some it will be a fast and easy way, but for others it will take years to “mature” for this teaching.
To sum it up, it is necessary to begin practicing yoga when there is a willingness, when there is an interest and desire to practice and study it. A personal example, a story about our own experiences and the results that we have achieved in the process of practicing yoga, will help others learn more and get the maximum effect and joy from yoga classes!
Author: Angelina Shanti
Editors: Marina Mirra, Kerigona., Maria Sarasvaty-Bhavani.
Project curator: Kerigona
Translated by Eugene Savitar,Teya Sweet, Alexander Vijaya

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