Hi! My name is Elina Zvirbule
“This is inner feeling of happiness that nobody can take away from me!”
From time to time it is interesting to look back in memories and to remember all those different things that have happened to me and why I have become the person that I am now. As far as I can remember there has always been a plan for me (made by my parents, myself, society). Firstly, you finish primary school, then secondary school, you get a degree and somewhere in between you develop relationships with your loved ones and hopefully find someone whom you love and who loves you. But nobody is teaching the values of life. Well, there are values that come from the family, school, friends, society, books, TV, etc. But it is a mess, chaos. They contradict to each other and often you are left confused.
But at one point I started understanding that something is going completely wrong. Even though from the first view, I had education, work and family – just live and enjoy. But this is the external view while from inside I felt lost. This period of confusion also took place at the same time when my kids very little and when my husband and I started our own business, when we moved from the city to country side – feeling that you have to start everything from the beginning. So many things changed in my life at once. And then even unconsciously I started to look for answers that could help me. Happily, I was not alone as I had wonderful husband with whom we have gone through water, fire and copper pipes. Our business is close related to well-being of people. And it is very difficult (I would say impossible) to take care of others if you yourself have problems. So we started to look deeper than just the surface level. And again – so much information, that is working to some extent and then again it turn out to be rubbish. I tried to be open and careful at the same time. I also visited several yoga classes in various locations, including fitness clubs, yoga studios, private instructors. But all this seemed as one-person theatre or something like that. Again there was lack of depth – just nice outfit and hidden business interests behind it but no soul.
And then my husband told me about internet courses www.openyogaclass.com. He was looking for more information on yoga and found the site. But I did not pay much attention to that. From time to time he gave me to listen to interesting lectures on Yoga and money, Yoga and kids, Yoga and relationships of men and women. He was very interested and he is usually the sceptical one about most of this kind of things. And at one point I understood that I am not able to give arguments in our discussions. So I opened the site, signed up for internet courses and I was amazed. The complete and open (free!) resource that gives logical, step-by-step information on yoga. And there was kriya yoga! To tell the truth I was not fan of hatha yoga (95% of all yoga that you will find in a yoga studio is hatha yoga). To keep static poses for a long period of time with monotone music – it was not for me. Kriya yoga – it is dynamic, activity and I needed it. At first it did not go so smooth but soon after it showed to me from a completely different perspective (I noticed large improvements in my back that was causing me a lot of pain before). Try and you will see yourself. It was ideal for me to practice at home as I did not have much possibility to go to yoga classes on regular basis.
I even could not dream that I could become a yoga instructor even though I felt wish to do it. Let’s start with a fact that I had never been in Russia before. So I continued listening lectures and passing tests afterwards. However, several months later I saw advertising that International Open Yoga University is organizing a seminar for more than a week outside Moscow and told my husband about it. And he said: “Go and see yourself!” I took it as a joke. Me? To Russia? It is impossible! It requires visa, formalities, I do not know anyone in Russia. How will I get there? But anyway I decided to call to the given number and received confirmation that I can sign-up for the seminar. I got visa, I got tickets, I contacted old family friends who had moved to Moscow and there I was! I enjoyed the time I spent there but did not apply for joining the new class Astra who already started their studies at the IOYU. It was so nice to meet so many people who are interested in the same things as you, who are working on themselves and striving for better! Lectures, practical classes and amazing spirit. At the end I felt very fulfilled, recharged and very tired. I came back home and it took me a month to decide if I want to join IOYU for at least next four years and will be able to fulfil all requirements. And I was accepted at the end of 2011! This is serious yoga university and this is what I was looking for! There are still very many things that I have to work on but finally I can be myself. This is the university (ashram) where to receive knowledge of life – about main aspects of life, foundation of the Universe, kids, relationships of men and women, business, understanding and developing yourself, just name it! Yoga gives answers to your life questions! I am finding my answers in the yoga school representing Anandasvami tradition.
Wishing you the best,
Elina Zvirbule, IOYU student, group Astra (Latvia, Europe)