Three Principles of Yoga – Three Pillars Of a Harmonious Life. Logic Everywhere!

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Everyone in their life has faced some form of illogical behaviour of others or their own. Often, we waste our time, money and life resources unwisely. As a result, it seems we are constantly in short supply. Is it possible to find an inexhaustible source of strength and energy?

In the previous article, we tried to highlight the most important principle of Yoga — The Principle of Kindness. Let’s briefly recall what this is about.

The Principle of Kindness (Ahimsa) implies that we should try our best to do no harm to any living beings, unless absolutely necessary. When it is impossible to do no harm to a living being, we should follow our duty. This is the First principle that Yoga recommends to follow in order to achieve harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

Further, Yoga strongly recommends observing the Second Principle — The Principle of Effectiveness or Logic (Brahmacharya). According to this principle, we shouldn’t waste our energy or direct our consciousness on things that don’t lead us to the goals we have set in our work, studies, leisure or yoga. Before we get involved in any activity, we should ask ourselves whether it leads to our goals. If not, we should give it up ruthlessly.

What does it mean to be logical? Where does the inconsistency come from? What goals does the Second principle imply? Is it necessary to become ruthless towards others?

In Yoga, any manifestation belongs to one of three levels: illogical, logical and super-logical. Some of the features of our behavior, which we inherited from the time of life in the bodies of animals, have lost their relevance in the human body. Whilst in the bodies of animals such manifestations were absolutely justified and logical, in the human body the same behavior becomes illogical. Through the mechanism of associative links, behavioral stereotypes have become firmly entrenched in our structures and continue to manifest themselves in the human body, often inappropriately. Illogicality weakens the mind, reduces freedom and leads to a misunderstanding of a particular situation, to aggression and suffering.

Logic in Yoga implies compliance with the Law of Karma, the law of cause and effect. Each life situation has its own cause in the past and its consequences. At the same time, the same situation is the reason for future consequences. How the series of karmic situations will unfold in our life depends on what actions we perform and whether they are logical according to the Second principle of Yoga. We all write our own code of laws of Karma, upon which our life and destiny are shaped.

Supreme logic is such a concept that stands above logic, but often outwardly looks like illogicality. How to recognize supreme logic? Firstly, logic will never contradict supreme logic. Secondly, logic is such a tool of our mind, using what we can always distinguish one from the other. Illogicality will not stand the test of logic. In the event of controversial situations in life, when it is difficult to determine whether we are faced with a manifestation of illogicality or supreme logic, do not be afraid to use logic to analyze the problems that have arisen. If we are faced with a supreme logical situation, then logic will never destroy it. If our logic suddenly destroys what we considered supreme logic, then it was illogical and there is no need to regret it.

Knowledge of Yoga is in the realm of supreme-logic, the concept of Kindness, friendship, love, enlightenment is also Supreme-logical — all of this is above our usual logic. Yoga encourages us, by developing logic and sharpening the mind, to exclude illogical manifestations from our life as much as possible and thereby move towards supreme-logic.

Yoga does not impose specific goals!

The goal of Yoga is totally unconditional freedom from everything, including from Yoga, if it makes your life not free. Therefore, when you come to Yoga, you can have a variety of goals. Moreover, any motivation that led to Yoga is commendable.

Yoga recommends, first of all, not to cause harm, and secondly, to set a goal and consistently pursue its achievement, without being distracted by extraneous matters. The Principle of Efficiency urges us not to waste our energy and time, not to be scattered, not to be exhausted on those matters that in no way bring us closer to our goals.

Following The Second Principle without observing the recommendations of the first one runs the risk of becoming a cruel and cynical person, who is inclined to pursue their goals at the expense of the freedom of others and causing them harm. This way tyrants are born, “trampling over people”. On the contrary, those who strictly follow The First Principle, without harming anyone, and at the same time achieve their goals, following logic and common sense, find their path of Dharma. Such a yogi follows their duty and at the same time expands their freedom, but not at the expense of the freedom of others, but due to the rational use of their life resources.

The First Principle of Yoga is to be observed in the first place!

Situations can be very different. For instance, you were invited to a bar after work, while you decided not to drink strong drinks on weekdays. Being consistent with your decision, you move forward smoothly, without any sudden movements, reducing the frequency and duration of such meetings. Even if circumstances sometimes force you to retreat, you “break through”, remember the initial goal and do not stop striving for it.

Often, beginners in yoga are faced with a challenge — changing interests and life priorities leads to changing the circle of communication. What to do with our “old” friends? Strictly following the First principle, we do not allow our relationships with the loved ones to be turned into hostile relations. There is no need to take abrupt steps in this regard.

Subject to the First and Second principles of Yoga, the social circle changes gradually, quite easily and harmoniously. The right people will stay and reach after you, the unnecessary ones will “fall off” on their own, since they will not be interested anymore.

An inexhaustible source of strength and energy is within us!

Illogical, unreasonable actions, as a rule, lead to conflicts and cause a storm of negative emotions inside, which drains us very much. Compliance to The Principles of Yoga reduces the number of such situations, allowing us to eliminate the leakage of vitality. At the same time, Yoga calls for revealing from within the power that every living being, or rather our Higher Self, possesses. But we can’t even imagine them because of our own ignorance. Knowledge of yoga eliminates this ignorance, and a regular practice allows us to open an inexhaustible source of strength and energy, purifying all our structures and channels. Through practice, we will be convinced from our own experience that all knowledge, power and pleasure are within us.

I want to be logical! I can be logical! I will be logical!

By observing the above recommendations and principles, we will naturally stop wasting extra energy. Moreover, at the expense of a certain reserve, we will be able to make a qualitative leap in our spiritual development, subject to a regular yoga practice, and find an inexhaustible source of strength and energy within ourselves.

Be logical, but not indifferent!

The author of the article:Mirra

Edition: Eva Rami, Olga Belous

Curator of the project: Kerigona

Translators: Larisa Skibina, Nat Satcitananda, Tatiana Sugrue

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